If you want your game to reach the widest possible audience worldwide, high quality localization is the key to success.
Our staff is composed of native speakers from all over the world who are passionate about Japan—its language, its culture and, of course, its video games. This is what makes them able to grasp the finer details of any game’s cultural context and offer a carefully localized translation that conveys what makes your game special.
From localization in the development stages to global user support after release, you can count on Wit One every step of the way.

Localization (Culturalization)
Localization that Speaks to your Audience
In our 10 years of experience in international business, we have built a team composed of native speakers for a wide variety of languages, all with a high degree of mastery of their native tongues. We offer highly accurate translations that respect the essence of the original, as well as localizations that are tailored to each country or region’s cultural background.
Our localization services also include translation from multiple languages into Japanese.

Linguistic Quality Assurance
Services Everyone Can Rely On
We carefully consider factors such as historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as a diversity of worldviews, in order to ensure that anyone and everyone can enjoy the services our clients offer, guaranteeing that their message reaches its maximum audience.
Our services also include checking UI, line break distribution, and other text within the actual software or application to ensure it looks as good as it can.

Customer Support
Close Connections with Our Clients
What sets us apart is our ability to respond to inquiries and provide the type of customer support necessary based on country or region.
This allows us to effectively break down the language barrier, ensuring smooth communication with every one of our clients.

Game Reviews
Reviews From a Global Perspective
Thanks to our multilingual game review service, your game will be able to reach its maximum potential and capture the interest of a worldwide audience.
Our international staff of native speakers will employ their fundamental knowledge of the industry and their proficient language skills to provide a detailed review of your game that offers their unique insight.